Now in its third edition, Veterinary Nursing Self-Assessment Q&As has beenrewritten and updated to reflect the recent changes to the Veterinary NursingCurriculum and National Occupational Standards. Including new questions andstructure this ever popular book follows the revised content and organisation of thethird edition of the core text Veterinary Nursing.Veterinary Nursing Self-Assessment Questions and Answers is a valuable learningtool and supporting revision aid for Veterinary Nurses in gaining their qualifications
New to this edition
Completely revised with new content
Questions in line with changes to the S/NVQ syllabus
Comprehensive explanations of both correct and incorrect choice of answerprovides students with effective feedback for self study
Additional material reflects the content of the third edition of Veterinary Nursing,giving students a structure to their revision
Provides students with a clear understanding of their level of competence
Key Features
· Content is structured around the format of the main textbook to enable students to undertake a planned course of study or revision.· Self-assessment opportunities provide students with a clear understanding of their level of competence to help them be successful in both assessment and examination.
Author Information
By Julie Elizabeth Ouston, MA, Vet MB, MRCVS, PGCE, Director, MYF Training Ltd, Hampshire, UK
Anatomy & Physiology
Terminology and Directional Terms
Body Fluid Compartments
Cells Structure
Basic Tissue Types
The Body Cavities
The Skeletal System
The Muscular System
The Nervous System
The Endocrine System
The Blood Vascular System
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Urinary System
The Reproductive System
The Integument
Observation and Care of the Patient
First Aid
Animal Handling and Basic Animal Management
Practice Organisation, Management, Law and Ethics
Genetics and Animal Breeding
Exotic Pets and Wildlife
Medicines: Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Dispensing
Laboratory Diagnostic Aids
Elementary Microbiology and Immunology
Elementary Mycology and Parasitology
General Nursing
Medical Disorders and their Nursing
Infectious Diseases
Non-infectious Diseases
Obstetrics and Paediatric Nursing of the Dog and Cat
Surgical and High-Dependence Nursing
Theatre Practice
Fluid Therapy and Shock
Anaesthesia and Analgesia
Diagnostic Imaging