Textbook of Pediatric Osteopathy, 1st Edition
Authors :
Eva Rhea Moeckel & Noori Mitha
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented man
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This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual. Written by an experienced, international team of authors, it covers the whole spectrum of paediatric osteopathy- from new born to teenager.
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This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual. Written by an experienced, international team of authors, it covers the whole spectrum of paediatric osteopathy- from new born to teenager.
Author Information
By Eva Rhea Moeckel, DO, MRO, MSCC and Noori Mitha, DO, MRO, Health practitioner and practising Osteopath
ISBN Number | 9780443068645 |
Main Author | By Eva Rhea Moeckel, DO, MRO, MSCC and Noori Mitha, DO, MRO |
Copyright Year | 2008 |
Edition Number | 1 |
Format | Book |
Trim | Other |
Imprint | Churchill Livingstone |
Page Count | 516 |
Publication Date | 6 Mar 2008 |
Stock Status | IN STOCK - This may take up to 5 business days to ship |
Section 11 Introduction, Liz Hayden1.1 History and philosophy1.2 What do osteopaths treat in children and why is it so effective?1.3 Features of paediatric osteopathy1.4 Treatment2 The paediatric osteopathic practice, Eva Mockel2.1 Organising the practice2.2 Parent information2.3 Children as patients2.4 Co-operation with doctors and other practitioners3 Accompanying the mother before, during and after pregnancy, Noori Mitha3.1 Basic aspects of pregnancy3.2 Preparing for pregnancy3.3 Treatment during pregnancy3.4 Treatment during labour3.5 Treatment after delivery3.6 Osteopathic support when breastfeeding4 The world of the unborn child. Eva Mockel4.1 Behaviour and living space of the unborn child4.2 Influences in prenatal experience4.3 Possible questions in case history taking5 Birth and treating the baby, Liz Hayden, Eva Mockel5.1 Normal labour5.2 Difficult delivery5.3 The birth process and its effect on the infant cranium5.4 Prematurity and associated complications6 Developmental physiology, William Goussel, Dina Guerassimiouk, Jens-Peter Markoff6.1 Conditions for physiological development6.2 Prenatal development6.3 Postnatal development7 Osteopathic diagnosis, Liz Hayden, Dion Kulak, Maxwell Fraval, Stefan Wentzke7.1 Case history7.2 The paediatric osteopathic examination7.3 The ‘head to toe’ sequence of the physical examination7.4 Examination of the infant and the toddler7.5 Examination of the preschooler and schoolchild7.6 Examination of the visual and auditory system7.7 Osteopathic considerations of sensory development7.8 Warning signs and differential diagnoses: the frontiers of osteopathic treatment8 The language of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism, Sibyl Grundberg, Susan Turner, Noori Mitha8.1 Diagnosis and treatment with the Primary Respiratory Mechanism8.2 Intraosseous strains8.3 An osteopathic approach to the new born and infant8.4 Treating the viscera with the Primary Respiratory Mechanism9 Psychological aspects , Christine Conroy, Susannah Booth, Renate Sander-Schmidt9.1 Diagnosing and treating emotional factors9.2 A child’s world9.3 Unexpected interactions10 Nutrition, Astrid Fischer, Teresa Kelly10.1 Physiological aspects10.2 Effect of nutrition on the immune system10.3 Nutrition for babies10.4 Nutrition for toddlers and schoolchildren10.5 Testing for food intoleranceSection 211 Accomodation difficulties of the newborn, Clive Hayden11.1 The birth process11.2 The unsettled newborn11.3 Sleeping difficulties11.4 Irritable infants and colic11.5 Vomiting and regurgitation12 Pathology and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, Tajinder K Deoora, Clive Hayden12.1 Embryological development of the gastrointestinal tract12.2 Postnatal development of the GIT12.3 Anatomy of the intestinal viscera and abdominal cavity12.4 Diarrhoea12.5 Chronic constipation12.6 Gastro-oesophageal reflux12.7 Nervous (functional) stomach ache12.8 Pyloric hypertrophy13 Otolaryngology, Henry Klessen13.1 Growth and development of the neurocranium and viscerocranium13.2 Adenoids13.3 Otitis media13.4 Glue ear (chronic seromucinous otitis)13.5 Sinusitis13.6 Osteopathic treatment of the lymph system in ENT diseases14 Pneumology, Teresa Kelly14.1 Embryology and anatomy14.2 The first breath14.3 The lungs and emotions14.4 Croup or laryngotracheobronchitis14.5 Pneumonia14.6 Bronchiolitis14.7 Bronchitis14.8 Bronchial asthma15 Orthopaedics, Giles Cleghorn, Eva Mockel15.1 Common orthopaedic conditions15.2 Plagiocephaly15.3 Craniosynostosis15.4 Torticollis15.5 Scoliosis15.6 Disorders of maturation of the hip, hip dysplasia and dislocation and sublaxation of the hip15.7 Coxa vara15.8 Coxa valga15.9 Femoral antetorsion15.10 Perthes’ disease15.11 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis15.12 Genu varum15.13 Genu valgum15.14 Osgood-Schlatter’s disease15.15 Chondromalacia patellae15.16 Congenital club foot15.17 In-toeing (metatarsus adductus)15.18 Flat foot (pes planus)15.19 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)15.20 Frequency of treatment and aftercare16 Neuropaediatrics, childhood and adolescent psychiatry, William Goussel, Dina Guerassimiouk, Kok Weng Lim, Jens-Peter Markhoff, Timothy Marris, Robyn Seamer16.1 Anatomy and physiology of the brain16.2 Hypotonia16.3 Developmental delay16.4 Cerebral palsy16.5 Sensory integration disorders16.6 Specific learning difficulties16.7 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)16.8 Epilepsy16.9 Head pain in children17 Genetic conditions, Peter Cockhill17.1 Down’s syndrome17.2 Achondroplasia17.3 Conclusion18 Orthodontics, Ariane Hesse18.1 Nomenclature and morphology18.2 Development of dentition and the jaw18.3 Temporomandibular joint disorders18.4 Principle of treatment in orthodontics18.5 Teamwork between the osteopath and the orthodontist19 Speech therapy, Sigrid Graumann-Brunt, Noori Mitha19.1 What do we mean by language?19.2 The production of spoken language19.3 Language development19.4 Developmental stages in language19.5 Normal development of spoken language19.6 Impaired development of spoken language19.7 Osteopathic treatment of language disorders20 Vaccination, Manuela Da Rin20.1 The immune system20.2 Vaccinations: pro and contra20.3 Relevant osteopathic treatment20.4 ConclusionAppendicesGlossary, Noori Mitha, Eva Mockel, Susan TurnerLiterature, Liz HaydenWebsites, Liz HaydenSelf-help groups, Liz HaydenAssociations in Europe, Liz Hayden, Eva MockelTraining in the UK, Liz Hayden
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Textbook of Pediatric Osteopathy
/Health Professions/Massage & Manual Therapy
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual. Written by an experienced, international team of authors, it covers the whole spectrum of paediatric osteopathy- from new born to teenager. This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a special challenge to treat children with osteopathy. You can find everything you need to know about it in this detailed and practice oriented manual. Written by an experienced, international team of authors, it covers the whole spectrum of paediatric osteopathy- from new born to teenager.
2011 and earlier
By Eva Rhea Moeckel, DO, MRO, MSCC and Noori Mitha, DO, MRO
Churchill Livingstone
Mar 6, 2008
IN STOCK - This may take up to 5 business days to ship
By <STRONG>Eva Rhea Moeckel</STRONG>, DO, MRO, MSCC and <STRONG>Noori Mitha</STRONG>, DO, MRO, Health practitioner and practising Osteopath
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