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Surgical Approaches to Esophageal Disease, An Issue of Surgical Clinics, 1st Edition

Author :
Dmitry Oleynikov
Surgical Management of Esophageal Disease is reviewed extensively in this important Surgical Clinics of North America issue. Articles include: Approach to Patients with Esophageal Dysphagia; Esophageal Motility Disorders; Achalasia; Esophageal Strict ...view more
Surgical Management of Esophageal Disease is reviewed extensively in this important Surgical Clinics of North America issue. Articles include: Approach to Patients with Esophageal Dysphagia; Esophageal Motility Disorders; Achalasia; Esophageal Stricture and Diverticula; Benign Esophageal Masses; Gastroesophageal Disease; Barrett’s Esophagus; Preoperative Evaluation of GERD; Surgical Treatment of GERD; Endoscopic Treatment of GERD; Paraesophageal Hernia; Short Esophagus; Reoperative Antireflux Surgery; GERD after Bariatric Procedure; Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Benign Eosphageal Disease; and more!
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Surgical Management of Esophageal Disease is reviewed extensively in this important Surgical Clinics of North America issue. Articles include: Approach to Patients with Esophageal Dysphagia; Esophageal Motility Disorders; Achalasia; Esophageal Stricture and Diverticula; Benign Esophageal Masses; Gastroesophageal Disease; Barrett’s Esophagus; Preoperative Evaluation of GERD; Surgical Treatment of GERD; Endoscopic Treatment of GERD; Paraesophageal Hernia; Short Esophagus; Reoperative Antireflux Surgery; GERD after Bariatric Procedure; Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Benign Eosphageal Disease; and more!

Author Information
By Dmitry Oleynikov, MD, FACS, Joseph and Richard Still Endowed Professor of Surgery Director, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery Director, Center for Advance Surgical Technology Nebraska Medical Center