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Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology for the Dental Hygienist, 1st Edition

Authors :
Michael G. Newman & Gwendolyn Essex & Lory Laughter & Satheesh Elangovan
**Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) Most Promising New Textbook Award Winner, 2024**The complete health-focused approach makes this a must-have instructional resource to support you throughout your Dental Hygiene educational program and ...view more

**Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) Most Promising New Textbook Award Winner, 2024**

The complete health-focused approach makes this a must-have instructional resource to support you throughout your Dental Hygiene educational program and beyond. Based on the trusted content in Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, the most widely used periodontal textbook in the world, this resource provides the most up-to-date, complete, and essential information. The broad range of content covers everything from the biology of the periodontium – how it’s structured and the functions it serves, the new classification of periodontal disease, the link between periodontal disease and systemic health, and more. An extensive clinical section contains a complete guide to everything from procedure instrumentation to patient management at the point of care. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs show how to perform periodontal procedures. Case based practice questions and skill evaluation checklists promote board-exam readiness. The clear instruction and health-focused approach provides support throughout the Dental Hygiene program and beyond.

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**Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) Most Promising New Textbook Award Winner, 2024**

The complete health-focused approach makes this a must-have instructional resource to support you throughout your Dental Hygiene educational program and beyond. Based on the trusted content in Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, the most widely used periodontal textbook in the world, this resource provides the most up-to-date, complete, and essential information. The broad range of content covers everything from the biology of the periodontium – how it’s structured and the functions it serves, the new classification of periodontal disease, the link between periodontal disease and systemic health, and more. An extensive clinical section contains a complete guide to everything from procedure instrumentation to patient management at the point of care. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs show how to perform periodontal procedures. Case based practice questions and skill evaluation checklists promote board-exam readiness. The clear instruction and health-focused approach provides support throughout the Dental Hygiene program and beyond.

New to this edition
  • Online student and educator support on Evolve.
  • Dental hygiene emphasis and relevance provides solid foundational content.
  • Comprehensive topic coverage focuses on the translation of the science to evidence-based practice and clinical decision making.
  • Extensive full-color photos and illustrations clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce important principles.
  • Case-based clinical scenarios incorporated throughout the book mimic the patient case format used in credentialing exams.
  • Many new and important chapters on periimplantitis, resolving inflammation, evidence-based decision making, and critical thinking.
  • Robust art program of clinical images, charts, graphs, and unique illustrations enhances engagement.
  • The most complete atlas of periodontal pathology ever offered for the dental hygienist.
  • Key information and highlights presented as call out boxes.

Author Information
By Michael G. Newman, DDS, FACD, Professor Emeritus, Section of Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California; Gwendolyn Essex, RDH, RDHAP, MS, EdD, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor, College of Dental Medicine, California Northstate University, Elk Grove, California, USA; Lory Laughter, RDH, MS, Assistant Professor, Periodontics, Department of Dental Hygiene, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA and Satheesh Elangovan, BDS, DSc, DMSc, Professor, Department of Periodontics The University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics Iowa City, Iowa