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Mothers and Midwives, 1st Edition

The Ethical Journey
Author :
Faye Thompson
A framework of ethics specific to midwifery and derived from midwifery practice that takes ethical discourse beyond current literature, proposing strategies for ethical practice based on findings arising out of the profession itself.
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A framework of ethics specific to midwifery and derived from midwifery practice that takes ethical discourse beyond current literature, proposing strategies for ethical practice based on findings arising out of the profession itself.

Key Features
  • Refines the understanding of ethics within the context of everyday midwifery practice
  • Offers an alternative approach to the ethics of professional practice, reuniting morality and personal interest
  • The aspirations, values and lived reality of mothers and midwives, and the commitment of the midwife to the woman are the focus of a newly constructed ethic for midwifery practice

  • Author Information
    By Faye Thompson, PhD, FRCNA, MNSt, DipApSc(Nr Ed), Lecturer, Applied Ethics Research Concentration, School of Humanities and Human Services, Carseldine Campus, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia and Nurse Researcher, Mater Mothers Hospital, South Brisbane, Australia