Language Intervention for School-Age Students is your working manual for helping children with language learning disabilities (LLD) gain the tools they need to succeed in school. Going beyond the common approach to language disorders in school-age populations, this innovative resource supplements a theoretical understanding of language intervention with a wealth of practical application strategies you can use to improve learning outcomes for children and adolescents with LLD. Well-referenced discussions with real-life examples promote evidence-based practice. Case histories and treatment strategies help you better understand student challenges and develop reliable methods to help them achieve their learning goals.
Key Features
- Unique application-based focus combines the conceptual and practical frameworks to better help students achieve academic success.
- Questions in each chapter encourage critical analysis of intervention methods for a deeper understanding of the beliefs behind them.
- In-depth coverage of controversial topics challenges your understanding and debunks common myths.
- Realistic examples and case studies help you bridge theory to practice and apply intervention principles.
- Margin notes highlight important facts, questions, and vocabulary for quick reference.
- Key Questions in each chapter put concepts into an appropriate context and help you focus on essential content.
- Summary Statement and Introductory Thoughts sections provide succinct overviews of chapter content for quick familiarization with complex topics.
Author Information
By Geraldine P. Wallach, PhD, Associate Professor & Clinic Director, Department of Communicative Disorders, California State University - Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, USA
PART ONE: Conceptual Framework
1. Innovative Language Intervention at School-Age Levels: What It Takes to Get There
2. Language Learning Disabilities: Where Are We?
PART TWO: A Practical Framework
3. What Language Intervention “Looks Like at School-Age Levels
4. Creating “Curriculum-Relevant Therapy: Making the Tough Choices
PART THREE: A Marriage of Conceptual and Practical Frameworks
5. Successful Language Literacy Intervention: A Look Back to Looking Ahead
6. Integrating Spoken and Written Language: An Eye Toward Becoming Literate
7. Seeing the World Through Connected Text: Bringing Structure and Content, Macro and Micro Pieces Together (Part 1)
8. Seeing the World Through Connected Text: Bringing Structure and Content, Macro and Micro Pieces Together (Part 2)
PART FOUR: Toward a Summary
9. Back into the Field: Starting to Pull the Missing Pieces Together
10. The End Becomes a New Beginning: Coming Full Circle
APPENDIX A: Examples of Scripts at Each Level Using the Book-Sharing Intervention
APPENDIX B: A Suggested Sequence of Literature-Based Intervention Activities
APPENDIX C: Interview Protocol for Eliciting Conversation, Narrative, and Expository Samples of Connected Speech
APPENDIX D: A List of Connecting Words and Definitions and Words with Similar Meanings