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Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition

Expert Radiology Series
Editors :
Kenneth R. Thomson & Matthew A. Mauro & Kieran P.J. Murphy & Anthony C. Venbrux & Robert A. Morgan
Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging—ideal for IR sub ...view more

Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging—ideal for IR subspecialists as well as residents and fellows in IR. This award-winning title provides clear guidance from global experts, helping you formulate effective treatment strategies, communicate with patients, avoid complications, and put today’s newest technology to work in your practice.

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Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging—ideal for IR subspecialists as well as residents and fellows in IR. This award-winning title provides clear guidance from global experts, helping you formulate effective treatment strategies, communicate with patients, avoid complications, and put today’s newest technology to work in your practice.

Key Features
  • Offers step-by-step instructions on a comprehensive range of image-guided intervention techniques, including discussions of equipment, contrast agents, pharmacologic agents, antiplatelet agents, and classic signs, as well as detailed protocols, algorithms, and SIR guidelines.
  • Includes new chapters on Patient Preparation, Prostate Artery Embolization, Management of Acute Aortic Syndrome, Percutaneous Arterial Venous Fistula Creation, Lymphatic Interventions, Spinal and Paraspinal Nerve Blocks, and more.
  • Employs a newly streamlined format with shorter, more digestible chapters for quicker reference.
  • Integrates new patient care and communication tips throughout to address recent changes in practice.
  • Highlights indications and contraindications for interventional procedures, and provides tables listing the materials and instruments required for each.
  • Features more than 2,300 state-of-the-art images demonstrating IR procedures, full-color illustrations of anatomical structures and landmarks, and video demonstrations online.
  • 2014 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Radiology category!
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Author Information
By Kenneth R. Thomson, MD, FRANZCR, Professor of Radiology, Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences; Director, Radiology Department, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Matthew A. Mauro, MD, FACR, FSIR, FAHA, The Ernest H. Wood Distinguished Professor of Radiology and Surgery; Chairman, Department of Radiology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Kieran P.J. Murphy, MB, FRCPC, FSIR, University of Toronto, Cancer Clinical Research Unit, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Affiliated Faculty, Techna Institute for the Advancement of Technology for Health, Toronto, Ontario; Anthony C. Venbrux, MD, Director, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC and Robert A. Morgan, MBChB, MRCP, FRCR, EBIR, Consultant, Vascular and Interventional Radiologist, Radiology Department, St. George’s NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom