Diagnostic Histopathology
Each issue contains invited articles on a variety of topics from experts in the field and includes a mini-symposium exploring one subject in greater depth. Articles consist of system-based, disease-based reviews and illustrated case reports. They update the readers on day-to-day diagnostic work and keep them informed of important new developments. The journal aims to cover the main breadth of histopathology in a three year cycle.
Both the contributors and readership are seen as being International. The trend toward continuing education/accreditation has a strong influence in the shaping of the journal's content and is reflected in the inclusion of a self-assessment section.
Each issue contains invited articles on a variety of topics from experts in the field and includes a mini-symposium exploring one subject in greater depth. Articles consist of system-based, disease-based reviews and illustrated case reports. They update the readers on day-to-day diagnostic work and keep them informed of important new developments. The journal aims to cover the main breadth of histopathology in a three year cycle.
Both the contributors and readership are seen as being International. The trend toward continuing education/accreditation has a strong influence in the shaping of the journal's content and is reflected in the inclusion of a self-assessment section.
ISSN NUMBER | 1756-2317 |
Format | Journal |
Publisher | ELSEVIER |
Volume Number | Volume 27 |
Frequency | 12 issues |
Diagnostic Histopathology
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