Hone your pain injection skills with Atlas of Pain Injection Techniques! This highly illustrated, "off-the-shelf" guide offers easy-to-follow descriptions of today’s best techniques for administering basic nerve blocks. Ideal for relative newcomers to pain management as well as for anesthesiology trainees, this medical reference book provides exactly the fundamental guidance you need to master these essential procedures.
New to this edition
- Offer proven, reliable treatment options to patients with persistent, severe or chronic pain. This introductory atlas provides a description of many basic regional anesthetic tools as well as common joint and muscular injections for pain relief.
- See exactly how to proceed to achieve optimal results and avoid problems. Step-by-step instructions - with concise text accompanied by line drawings and color photographs - demonstrate correct needle placement and anatomical structure for 29 techniques and procedures.
- Apply ultrasound guided therapies for optimal needle placement in delivery of anesthetic agents.
- Access the full text online at Expert Consult.
Key Features
- Find information quickly with a user-friendly, templated format that guides you through each nerve block in a consistent and easy-to-follow manner.
- Rely on expert recommendations when considering local anesthetics, corticosteroids, and neurolytic agents.
Author Information
By Therese C. O'Connor, MB, FFARCSI, Consultant Anaesthetist, Pain Specialist, St. Joseph's Private Hospital, Longhanelton, Calry, Sligo, Ireland and Stephen E. Abram, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1. Mechanisms of pain transmission—an overview of anatomy and physiology2. Joint injections2.1 Lumbar facet joint injection2.1 Cervical facet joint injection2.3 Sacro-iliac joint injection3. Epidural blockade3.1 Lumbar epidural block3.2 Thoracic epidural block3.3 Cervical epidural block3.4 Caudal epidural block3.5 Long-term epidural catheter insertion4. Somatic nerve blockade4.1 Intercostal nerve block4.2 Interpleural block4.3 Lumbar nerve root block4.4 Thoracic nerve root block4.5 Sacral nerve root block4.6 Occipital nerve block4.7 Trigeminal ganglion (Gasserian) block5. Autonomic blockade5.1 Stellate ganglion block—C6 (classic) approach5.2 Stellate ganglion block—C7 approach5.3 Lumbar sympathetic block5.4 Celiac plexus block—retrocrural approach5.5 Celiac plexus block—anterocrural approach5.6 Splanchnic nerve block5.7 Hypogastric plexus block5.8 Ganglion impar block5.9 Intravenous regional sympathetic block—upper limb5.10 Intravenous regional sympathetic block—lower limb6. Muscle injection6.1 Trigger-point injection—neck6.2 Trigger-point injection—back6.3 Gluteus medius injection6.4 Piri formis injection7. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)Appendix 1 Suggested local anestheticsAppendix 2 Suggested corticosteroidsAppendix 3 Suggested neurolytic agentsAppendix 4 Recommended resuscitation drugs and equipmentAppendix 5 Dermatomes
"This book should find a place in every Pain Clinic as a useful guide to the common procedures carried out there. It brings together all the techniques in one handy volume..useful to trainees wishing to learn about them and also to experienced practitioners who may wish to remind themselves about a technique that they perform only infrequently." (British Journal of Anaesthesia)
"The consistent, easy-to-follow, repetitive nature of each technique is accompanied by excellent photographs and illustrations that serve to highlight the anatomical structures and relationships that must be fully understood in order to achieve success." (Doody's Journals)
"This is a highly practical step-by-step guide to procedures for chronic pain. It is suitable for the practicing pain physician, teh anesthesiologist with an interest in chronic pain and to residents in training....a very helpful book to have in any pain clinic library." (Amazon customer review)